Six motions were raised at the PAMI-TC meeting held at CVPR 2018. All passed.
Motion 1: Ratification of the New Conference Name
The CVPR sponsors (CVF and IEEE) have agreed to change the name of this conference to include both sponsors. Following this agreement, the official name of CVPR is hereby changed to the “IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition”. CVPR is financially co-sponsored equally by IEEE and CVF. The Motion Passed: Yes: 480, No: 75
Motion 2: Modification of the Longuet-Higgins Prize Rules
The Longuet-Higgins Prize is awarded at CVPR for a paper published at the CVPR 10 years before. In exceptional circumstances where a clearly deserving paper was overlooked, a unanimous vote of the PAMITC Awards Committee can give this prize to a paper from the CVPR 11 years before. The Motion Passed: Yes: 446, No: 110
Motion 3: Forbidding Additional Experiments in Rebuttals
With the growing importance of experimental work, CVPR authors frequently find themselves requested to run complex experiments in the very limited time provided for the rebuttal. Program chairs are strongly encouraged to forbid additional experiments during rebuttal, and to ensure that reviewers do not penalize papers due to the lack of additional experiments. The Motion Passed: Yes: 364, No: 191
Motion 4: Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct (based on the one for this year’s meeting) is adopted
for future meetings of CVPR. The policy will be refined and overseen by the TC executive committee as necessary, which will also appoint the conference ombud and standards committee. The Motion Passed: Yes: 517, No: 28
Motion 5: Eligibility for TC Chair
The requirements for candidates for the PAMI TC chair position are amended to include not only those who have served as a general chair or program chair of a past or approved future CVPR or ICCV but to also include anyone else with significant experience working with the TC’s meetings or journal and approval of the TC’s executive committee. The Motion Passed: Yes: 497, No: 55
Motion 6: Ratification of CVPR 2022 Proposal
As many of you who attended the last ICCV may recall, we had two very strong proposals to organize ICCV 2021. By a very narrow margin (three votes!), the team proposing to hold it in Montreal just barely beat out the team proposing to hold it in New Orleans. As invited to, the New Orleans team has revised their proposal and submitted for CVPR 2022 the following summer. This was the only proposal submitted for CVPR 2022, and the TC’s executive committee feels that because of the strength of the team and the previous vetting of the proposal at ICCV, there is no need for the committee to put together an alternative proposal. This motion is to ratify this proposal for CVPR 2022. The Motion Passed: Yes: 521, No: 33