Results of the Vote from the ICCV 2021 TC Meeting
Results for Motion 1: Penalties for Dual Submissions
Proposed by Dima Damen, ICCV 2021 Program Co-Chair
This proposal seeks to reduce dual submissions to our primary meetings by increasing the consequences of dual submission beyond rejection of the offending paper.
Please see the administrative note at the end of the motion concerning potential legal and administrative uncertainties regarding implementation of the policy, which would have to be resolved before the proposed penalties could be applied.
Read the details here:
Yes: 274
No: 57
Results for Motion 2: Green Computer Vision
Proposed by Ani Kembhavi
This proposal encourages, but does not require, authors to report model efficiency metrics so that methods can be compared not only in terms of the usual metrics but in terms of their potential climate change impacts as well.
Read the details here:
Yes: 217
No: 122